Learn the Global Language of Business
Our corporate training and development programs are designed to quickly prepare you to make an impact on the global business scene.
MBA Communication Training
Learn the vocabulary and concepts you need to compete on the global playing field. These modules are a great way to preview MBA coursework before taking the plunge into a full program. These concise courses guarantee that you'll learn and practice skills, concepts, and techniques that can immediately be applied to your career or business. Courses include:
Marketing Management
HR Management
Case Studies
Meetings and Decision Making
Cross-Cultural Communication Coaching
Communication challenges in business aren't always due to language barriers. Successful global professionals know the language of business, including cultural behaviors and norms. The following modules will make you a natural on the business scene:
Business E-mail Writing
Business Networking
Effective Presentations and Pitches
Global Social Networking and Personal Branding
Business Coaching
Our business coaching programs are fully tailored to help you overcome your global communication challenges. These results-based programs start with clearly defined goals. Then, we work with you every step of the way until you achieve measurable results that impact the bottom line of your career or business venture. Popular coaching themes include:
Successfully managing and communicating across cultures
Making presentations to international audiences
Concise business writing
Continuing education (e.g. case studies and graduate school preparation)